Sunday, June 28, 2009

Someone IS listening!!!

Today we received the call we had been waiting for. At 6:47am the phone rang and it was UC Davis. Faith said they had a good night and were ready to start taking Aviana out of the coma!! She said they turned the paralytic off at 6:30 and asked us to be there in 2 hours.

Dave, my mom, Gary and I arrived at UC Davis and began playing her some Gary Allan, Butch Walker and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We were talking and talking and talking to her. She had VERY little movement at first, but then we started seeing her little toes move, then her little hands. She twitched her nose, at times we could see her eyes moving behind her eyelids. It was one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL things I have ever seen. I normally describe the greatest of all things as "music to my ears" THIS was "Aviana to my eyes."

Her movements became more frequent. She was grasping our hands, straightening her feet....I could not believe my eyes. My protective barrier was questioning...were these TRUE movements or were they just natural movements of her coming of the paralytic?? Were these just reactions?? I questioned every move, but yet LOVED every one for whatever it was worth. She slowed some at one point so we went downstairs to get some coffee. My Mom and Gary remained by her side. When we returned they were in the waiting room. They said the nurses were changing some tube or something and Aviana was agitated (our little spitfire) and was moving her arms and legs. We were able to go back in 30 minutes later.

She was maintaining her ICP's through all of this. In this time, we had contacted Sgt. Merenda and let him know what was going on. He was there by her side in what seemed like a flash. He stayed along with us, by her side, witnessing this wonderful occasion. At this point the neurologist came to talk to us and said Aviana was making many PURPOSEFUL movements in all of her limbs. This action was very encouraging to him. Especially because they have only taken her off of the paralytic and she is still under heavy sedation. He said they were going to start to ween her off of the sedative tonight and see how she does. He said this was a good step in the right direction. What...what was this....was I hearing this right...could it be some good news?? That it was, and even better...he wasn't finished. He said tomorrow he will see if she could follow commands, if so, he said there was no need for neurosurgery to have the dreaded family meeting. We would be able to have just weekly update meetings with the PICU doctors.

I wanted to scream WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO. I refrained though, while we were on cloud nine, we realized this is ONE, very good, small step of about a million. We still have so many unanswered questions. While we were talking to the doctor, Sgt. Merenda was motioning to me to look at Aviana in the room. I looked over and they were suctioning out her mouth, she was NOT liking this and raised her left arm about 4 times. If I know my little girl like I think I do...she was saying get this OUT of my mouth NOW!!

My cousin Erin then came to visit Aviana, I told her of all of the movement, but when she came in Aviana would not move. The nurse explained that she was asleep. I looked at her with a blank stare. How do you know this?? When she is awake she does not use the ventilator, but when she is asleep, she uses it more. Ohhhh, OK, makes perfect sense.

We are so tired and are going to bed pretty soon, we will be fresh and ready to go again tomorrow. Thank you to all for your continued love and concern!! Thank you so much to Sgt. Merenda. We were so happy to finally meet and get to know you!! We appreciate you spending your Sunday in support of us! Goodnight :-)


  1. Oh I'm so happy for you! My eyes are welling up with tears after reading this update. We'll keep praying for all of you.

  2. Jen I have known where you were and what you were doing all day today. Even knowing that I still came here and checked this spot constantly. Peter told me she moved an arm and a leg and I cried happy tears of joy and relief. I know this is one step, but a step in the right direction. A step toward healing you go little spitfire. Show those doctors what your made of!!!!!!! You have one little friend waiting to swing by your side!!!!

  3. AWESOME!!!! This is the best news ever!! Thank you for the update.

    God Bless and Hope for many more wonderful days!!

  4. I feel the same as Jillian, tears are coming to my eyes. These are real tears (not to be confused with my former pregnancy tears when I cried at anything). I can just see your (you and Dave's) smiles! How uplifting!

  5. I just came across your blog and cannot leave without leaving you a comment. What a strong and determined daughter you have. I will be following along to see the progress she makes. I was so happy to see what she did today...brought tears to my eyes. Your family will be in our prayers.

  6. What wonderful news! I am so happy for you to see such incredible progress. I pray for many more days like today.

  7. I found Aviana's story tonight....

    What a testament to love, spitfire, and faith!

    My entire family will be praying for Aviana.

    We have a "Guatemalan Princessa" of our own...her name is "Aven" ..... I love the name you chose for your precious treasure.

    Continues Prayers...
    Mom of 5, 3 international adoptions & 2 'homemade'

  8. What a blessing! Praying that the progress continues and your little spitfire is back to her spunky self soon.

  9. All I have to say is WOW!

    I was so beyond thrilled when I got your phone call. Crying and smiling at the same time. I was making a sandwich for Cooper and I was so distracted (in a good way) that I put the turkey in the dishwasher...yep, you heard me, the dishwasher! How in the heck does a person do that???!??!

    As you know, we went to see Avi again. Karen was on duty this time and was expecting us - she's so nice. I was so happy to see that Aviana was elevated (she wasn't the last time I saw her) and she looked COMFORTABLE! I don't know how it's possible for a little angel with so many wires and tubes coming from her to look comfortable, but she did. I found comfort in this. I was so pleased to hear that her ICPs were between 10 and 12 all day (Karen showed me the ICP monitor). The funny thing is I kept glancing at the monitor to see if it went up while I was there...if Auntie Amy was saying too much ;o) It stayed at 12!! As I stood there touching and talking with Avi, I would also watch the nurses tend to her. I wanted to hug Karen. I wanted to hug all of them for taking such good care of your baby girl.

    A day like today brings so much hope and joy. All of Avi's twitches, flinches and PURPOSEFUL movements...SHE's in there - - SHE's in there, and she's coming out.

    I'm so thankful, I can hardly stand it. I also want to scream WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Rest up Hodders!
    I love you.

    The rest of this comment is for God...

    God, I want to thank you for hearing our prayers. I want to thank you for answering our prayers. Your love is awesome and I am in awe of it. Thank for for continuing to cradle Aviana in your arms, for your angels holding her in their wings. I feel blessed.

  10. OMG I am so happy to hear this awesome news!!!!Keep fighting lil' spitfire!!!!!You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly !!!!!!

  11. Yes!!!!!! The love and prayers are working! Thanks so much for posting this terrific news :) :)

  12. I am a blubbering mess right now! Thank you for taking the time to share with us, Jen. Go, Avi! May the spirit and life keep fighting inside you. I promise not to relent in my prayers .

  13. I just knew a miracle was going to happen!! I felt it in my heart and soul. And Richard was so thankful to be there to see her, it gave him such a good feeling to remember what he did was special..bless you all!!

  14. Wonderful news! I watch your blog daily now for updates. I pray your little girl continues to progress. I love the Mickey and Minnie picture, so sweet.
    Prayers are continuing.

  15. I found your blog tonight when another adoptive mom asked for prayers for your little beauty!! Know that I will ask ANY and EVERYONE I know to listen and pray for a full recovery!! May the Lord comfort you in your time of need and hold Hid hand of healing over your sweet little girl! I will be following your journey to a full recovery!! Many blessings

  16. Hi- I know you don't know us, but our neighbor Debbie shared your blog with us, and especially as fellow adoptive parents, our hearts and prayers are with you all. God Bless!!!!!!

  17. Great news! Im so relieved for you. It must ease your minds a little to see her active again. Keep your spirits up! Go Avi! -HK

  18. What wonderful news!!! I first read of Aviana's story yesterday and have been thinking of you all constantly since then. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  19. you don't know me, but I have two precious blessings from Guatemala and I have been praying for your family! I am so thankful to our Lord for your experience yesterday and pray that it is one of many triumphs for this precious gift!

  20. YEAHHHHH!!!!! i am sooo happy to hear the news about aviana. i could tell she was a fighter from the first time i met her. i know its far from over, but i truely believe she will get through this. especially with such a loving mother and father like the two of you. i wish you all the best. i pray for avina everyday, and i will continue to do so...even after she is her perfect litte self again.

  21. Oh, I'm so pleased for you! I found your blog via FB and now am reading through the entire thing. I have already added Aviana to my prayer list. I know it's an uphill battle, but you've already started up the mountain!!!

  22. What fabulous news! Answered prayers for this monumental baby step!! Go Aviana Go!

  23. I just had a chance to read your blog from the begining. What a terrible accident. We will pray for her continued improvement, for you to have strength, and for your Mom and Gary.

  24. That is wonderful news. You definitely have a little fighter on your hands. We are still praying for you. Stay strong and remember if there is anything you need just let us know.

  25. OMG! Dave and Jen I am so happy for you and your precious baby girl. This is absolutely wonderful news. I have been saying prayers for you and Aviana everyday since I found out. The power of prayer really does work. You'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers everyday and every moment. Wishing all 3 of you the very best.
    Becci & Angela

  26. Hi. This is Sarah. WOW! What an amazing day! All I can say is that absolutely NOTHING is impossible with GOD! HE always amazes me!! Through the good and the bad He is always Good! That's wonderful that Sgt. Merenda got to be there to see Avi move!! It was not by chance that he was there to save your precious girl. He was sent by God!! I love you guys and am thinking about and praying for you all day everyday.

  27. This is amazing news !! I am continuing to pray for all of you and yes, for your sweet Aviana's continued progress, healing and comfort.

    I am so smiling both inside and outside today---God is so Good !!

  28. checking in and tears coming to my eyes. thinking of you all so much...

  29. Visiting your blog from KISS THE FROG FOR ME and let you know, your precious Aviana is in my thoughts and prayers!

  30. Dave & Jen, thank you once again for allowing to see Aviana and to witness a remarkable progress in her status. It was also nice to get to know you guys. If you haven't already seen, there is alot of people out there giving their support to the Hodder Family.

  31. GO AVI!! prayers still heading your way for continued improvement! The journey is still long and you'll have bumps along the way...but many are rooting for you!!

    Jen and Dave, stay strong, even during those bumps! Keep the faith!

    Janet & Jeff

  32. Jen & Dave~ This is so WONDERFUL :) I'm so HAPPY to hear about Avi's improvements. Let's do it again today Avi!!
    In My continued Thoughts & Prayers.


  33. Dear Brenda & family,
    I know that you don't know who I am but I worked with Brenda years ago and see her at times. Ever since I was told about what has happened to your beautiful angel I have been reading the blog to find out how she is doing. I have been praying and have a prayer list going out to her from my whole family. I know that GOD listens to everyone. I know prayers work, they worked for me. I can not begin to imagine what you are all going through but pray everyday that it gets easier for you and I know the only way that can happen is when you get to bring your beautiful princess Aviana home and in the safety of your very own arms. I am totally in awe of Jenn and how strong your are to keep this blog going. Please know that Aviana is in my prayers always and that she will be home with you soon. Take care, Cathy Cummings (a chevron friend)

  34. Wow-that is fantastic! The best news!! Keep up the fight Aviana!

  35. just got home and read he newest of postings and can't help but think about all the emotions that everyone is feelling about this new and improved Avi!!! we are all so very happy that her little self is improving so rapidly!! Don't ry too hard too fast little girl! Dave and Jen you both have a very strong and independent little girl that we
    all can honestly say is a fighter, firecracker,
    pistol, whatever!!! this is great news!!!

    love the raders

  36. We have asked everyone we know to keep Avi in their prayers. Many blessings, Rhonda

  37. It sounds like your little spit fire is coming to and her strong will is fighting just as hard as we hoped. I'm so glad things are developing in the right direction for Aviana. We continue to pray for her every day~

  38. My friend Kelly sent me your blog. We are praying for your precious angel.

    The Salas

  39. We were sent an urgent prayer request from Debbie Cooper a few days ago, and I just got a few moments today to read a bit of your blog to catch some details. I haven't read much, so this may be old news to you. I was struck by your daughter's name, so I checked it out on the internet. There they gave the Greek/Latin derivation which comes from "avis" which means bird (and that's a perfectly legitimate etymology). But from the little bit of Hebrew I know, and the similarity to another girl's name, I read her name as "my father responds/answers'' (or as I prefer it "my Father responds" :-) I just wanted to share this with you because I think it's so neat that God led you to name her this, knowing what was going to be in store for her and you. No matter what the future holds, our Father answers!

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