Our butterfly has landed! The long awaited day had finally arrived: September 8, 2009. We were so very excited to go pick our little pumpkin up. After lots of packing, waiting and saying our heartfelt goodbyes, we were well on our way.
Onlookers probably thought we were stealing this precious little child. I have to admit, we were swerving around the UCD maze as though it were an agility course and we were attempting to break the world record! There was nothing like crossing the threshold of the hospital door and knowing there was no looking back. No more hospital rooms. No more beeps throughout the night. No more visiting our baby. No more leaving her behind!
We finally arrived home at 7:30 pm. We carefully brought her into her room and gently laid her in her very own bed...as though she was a new baby coming home for the very first time! This was one of the happiest moments of my entire life. Her room has painted animals all over the walls. She immediately looked around at all of these creatures, as she melted like butter into her bed. She was so at ease and quickly slipped off to sleep. We could not stop staring at her and saying how she was the most beautiful being we had ever laid eyes on. She is perfect in every way possible!
Finally, we were able to dust off the video monitor, flip the switch and see her....right where she needs to be! I couldn’t resist, I just had to throw in a Gary Allan reference. So many feelings of our trip to Guatemala washed over me, but this time, with much more intensity.
On our very first night in Guatemala, I thought we were going to be up all night with her. I had fallen asleep and awoke in the morning to find her asleep in her crib. I had the very same feeling about this particular night. I once again woke up in the morning, flipped the monitor on and there she was, peacefully laying there.
She sometimes has a hard time keeping her first feed of the day down. I (ever so carefully and slowly) administered this feed. Just as quickly as I finished the thought, “That seemed to go well,” I was covered in projectile vomit. I have never experienced this in my entire life. Funny thing is Dave and I had just recently watched “I Love You, Man” and there is a similar scene in this movie. We had rewound it a few times and laughed our asses off. As I sat there covered in Nutren Junior, I couldn’t help but think, when you are the target of such an act, it’s just not
that funny :o)
Other than that, the day went off without a hitch. She was so good and I loved having her close to me at all times. I loved being the one~ feeding her, bathing her, giving medications, changing her, putting cute bows in her newly grown hair, walking her all over the house, playing music for her, even cleaning up her puke, just plain taking care of her!
We have continued with her therapy sessions. If you look at the pictures of Dave, Kama and her lying on the floor, this is the fashion in which we conduct them, surrounded in love! It is obvious that she feels it.
Aviana has done so amazing with these sessions thus far. I have already seen improvements in such a short period of time. We have also already taken her to run errands, including Costco. I searched high and low for Maria, (Aviana’s favorite “snapple” lady), but she was nowhere to be found. I’m sure I will find a reason to go back within a few days...that’s what I do!!
This transition has been by far the best yet. She of course has her moments, but they are much more few and far between than I could ever have imagined. Honestly though, that
is Aviana! She's easy like Sunday morning. Some things haven't changed. I can only guess what she remembers and doesn’t, but there are certain deep down traits that
always have a way of permeating through to let us know...she
is there!! We love her so very much and could not be any more proud of her and all she has accomplished.
This is such an exciting new chapter of our lives. While the old me creeps in and wants to read the very last page....the new me wants so very much to just kick back, relax and enjoy every single page along the way.
Thank you all for your well wishes and for always cheering us on along the way. We love you!