Sunday, February 28, 2010
We were on a walk yesterday, and these exact words were about to run straight from my brain, right out my mouth. Actually, a few had naively escaped just prior to my realization.
In one quick moment, I became all too conscious of the fact that I do not want one day, one hour, one minute, or even one second with her, as she was, and as I am now!
For that would be a cruel, sick, twisted joke, and all I would be left wanting is.....
and more,
and more,
and more,
and much,
much more.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
30 Days Clean
Many times a day.
Wooooo Hooooo!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Groundhog Day
Wake up.
Love on Aviana.
Begin the first of 55 maskings.
Take Kama out to the bathroom.
Feed Kama breakfast.
Give Aviana a bath, sometimes.
Brush her teeth.
Give Aviana medication.
Give 180 ml. of water.
Give supplements.
Change diaper.
Give Aviana a snack.
Start the first of her auditory therapy. Make 3 different sounds within 1 minute.
Feed the fish.
Put Aviana down the first of her inclined floors.
Wait at the bottom with lots of hugs and kisses (say a prayer that she gets down in 1 minute and not 20.)
Give Aviana lunch.
Start her reading program.
Mask her every 4-5 minutes until you want to put the mask on your own face and throw the timer out the window.
Continue with auditory and tactile therapy.
Give medication.
Give 180 ml. water.
Change diaper.
Give supplements. (Silently bitch about the fact that it is so difficult to split 2 capsules of powder, as equally as possible, into 3 little dishes. Continue bitching the entire time about how you are the self proclaimed efficiency expert and have yet to resolve this simple issue!!!!!)
Give Aviana another snack.
Think about some much needed blogging.
Sit on the phone with various entities which assist with my brain injured baby. Wonder if they wonder why they are hearing 3 distinct, different sounds every minute??
Continue with the inclined floor.
Wonder if I lined up patterners for this particular day.
Think about what we are going to have for dinner.
Say, "screw it, I don't have the energy to make dinner."
Change diaper instead.
Wonder how many things I have forgotten to do today.
Think about how much I love Gary Allan.
Wonder why.
He's on the road all year, he has been married 3 times, he has 3 daughters, he's 42.......
Realize I still love him.
Determine it's unconditional, what can I say?
Give Aviana dinner.
Think about some of my very favorite lyrics.
Continue with therapy.
Feed the fish.
Pattern her when Dave and beautiful neighbors get home.
Continue masking.
Feed Kama.
Give 180 ml. water.
Give supplements.
Race to finish up all remaining therapy.
Brush teeth.
Listen to the new Butch Walker for the 1000th time.
Wish I was a musical genius like him.
Give medication.
Give lots of hugs and kisses.
Wonder what's for dinner.
Who cares.
Feel exhausted.
Flip the TV on.
Fall asleep.
Wake up and do it all again.
Over and over.
Barely any variation.
They are all blending together into a hodgepodge (always wanted to use that word) of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and potentially years. The lines are blurred the edges have disappeared. They all run together.
7 days a week.
365 days a year.
Groundhog Day.......Avi and I know what it's all about!
Don't be jealous :o)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
All Better Now
Woe is me, dragged us all through doctors appointments, therapy, etc. It was terrible.
I later walked into my office; ferociously attacked the keyboard much like a wild beast, and actually walked out with a slight smile across my face. I literally purged everything out into blog form and then felt the world had been somewhat lifted from my shoulders!
I carried on with my day in a much better mood. I went and had dinner with my best friend. Laughing and great conversation never felt so good. She is always the best form of therapy! Thank you Jen, I love, love, love you!!!
I came home at about 11 and Dave and I stayed up until about 2, talking, watching American Idol, stuff like that. It ended up being a very nice night, which has lead to a great day today.
Last night, I couldn't help but think of a very normal conversation in our household prior to the accident. If Aviana was upset in any way, Dave would hug her and then when she calmed down, he would say, "Are you all better now?" Avi would then smile and say, "All better now!" She would then pop off his lap and get back into whatever it was she was doing!
Thank you to everyone for your concern and wonderful comments, e-mails, voicemails, etc. I can’t tell you how much each and every single one means to me. Don’t ever think twice about commenting to me. I love comments. I am also not easily offended and many times I am grasping for straws of knowledge, life experience, anything! It's also always so nice to know that you care and that I am not alone on this road of mine!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Disgusted in every way possible.
Disgusted by the fact that Aviana can’t walk.
Disgusted that she can't talk.
Disgusted that she can't enjoy any food.
Disgusted that she can’t run around and play with Kama.
Disgusted that she cannot dance around to her favorite music.
Disgusted that I do not know what she would be into now. Would she finally like Hello Kitty? Or would she love Thomas like her best friend Lily? Who knows.....
Disgusted that she cannot draw a picture for the fridge.
Disgusted that she cannot laugh until her heart's content.
Disgusted that her life was ripped away from her.
Disgusted that we do an obsessive amount of therapy 7 days a week.
Disgusted that my parents worked their ASSES off to reach retirement and now cannot truly enjoy it.
Disgusted that such a smart, opinionated little girl was left speechless!!!
Disgusted that Dave has a long day at work only to come home and do therapy.
Disgusted that Aviana’s best friends lost their best friend.
Disgusted that it is so difficult to take Aviana anywhere and everyone has to come here.
Disgusted that we are stuck to our house.
Disgusted that I am completely obsessive about Aviana’s therapy, to the point where walks and time to love on Kama became boxes on the Excel spreadsheet per my counselor.
Disgusted that she can’t smile and tell me she loves me.
Disgusted that people pity Aviana and all of us for that matter.
Disgusted that my memory of the “old her” is not fading fast enough.
Disgusted that I am having to learn the worlds harshest form of patience.
Disgusted that everything is so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so slow!!!!!!
Disgusted that I had to go through and form piles of old clothes to give away...with the folding of each outfit, a glimpse of my girl passes before me.
Disgusted that the only time we really get out is for doctor’s appointments.
Disgusted that her wheelchair weighs 50 pounds.
Disgusted that sometimes I don't know which way to turn for happiness.
Disgusted that she cannot even crawl.
Disgusted that I have not been to the gym since the morning of the accident.
Disgusted that I can't listen to her sweet voice and her beautiful self point to a bird and say, "Mommy, birdie singing."
Disgusted that I don’t know if Aviana is happy.
Disgusted that she worked so hard and was potty trained 2 weeks after her second birthday, only to return to diapers on June 17, 2009.
Disgusted that I had to finally go into her backpack and see what it was she last left inside.
Disgusted that she has to tolerate an obscene amount of therapy every single day.
Disgusted that she has to sleep on a masonite board.
Disgusted that we had to make life and death decisions for her.
Disgusted that I have to ask for help as much as I do.
Disgusted that my family has had to endure one of life's greatest tragedies.
Disgusted that it is a huge production to run the simplest of errands.
Disgusted that my life is ruled by "ticky tacky" boxes. Day in and day out.
Disgusted that I cannot dress Aviana the way I did before.
Disgusted that I cannot sign her up for swim lessons or gymnastics.
Disgusted that, once again, I have to walk through the aisles of kids clothes, toys, etc. with a sadness looming in the depths.
Disgusted that I have no energy.
Disgusted that when I don't feel like making "28 meals," we still have to.
Disgusted that today, my Mom and I had to sit and listen to the neurologist say that Aviana’s ventricles in her brain may be expanding to fill all of the areas where her brain "died" and there is vacant space. He said it much more eloquently, but believe me, I picked up exactly what he was puttin’ down.
Disgusted that many times I feel lonely, but don’t want to be around anyone. Every time I feel this way, I think of one of my favorite lyrics, “Leave me alone, I’m lonely. Alone, I’m lonely.”
Disgusted that I can barely shop for Aviana anymore. I try, but there are only so many bows a girl can have.
Disgusted that when Avi decides to take a nap, I have visions of all of the therapy I am losing out on written all over my face.
Disgusted that I can’t pull Avi into the shower so we can spit water all over each other.
Disgusted that we do not have the luxury of getting pregnant, if we did decide on another child.
Disgusted that if we decided to have another child, we would have to come up with another $30,000 to adopt.
Disgusted that I cannot even fathom another child because it would cut into Aviana’s therapy time.
Disgusted that Aviana has no siblings to grow up with.
Disgusted that I do not know who will care for Aviana when we are dead and gone.
Disgusted that I cannot bring myself to write Aviana’s foster mother in light of what happened. I’d rather her not know and think we lost contact, than be completely heartbroken by the cold, hard, truth.
Disgusted with being disgusted.
I hope that I have sufficiently purged all of this negative energy out of my system. I hope I can carry on as I normally do. Optimistic, hopeful, full of love instead of anger, and of course with the usual sadness that finds its way in and out throughout the day!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
My love for Valentine's Day extended to a certain little one. Last year, she was really starting to understand what this holiday was all about. I can't help but reflect on our previous holidays together.

While we are unable to do the things we would normally do with her this year, we are still enjoying our day today. In our three years together, I have never loved her more and I have also never thought she was quite so beautiful!

While yes, we should tell the ones we love, just that, throughout the entire year. What's wrong with having a day to remind us just in case we haven't quite told them enough?
I love Dave. I love Aviana. I love Kama. I love my entire family. I love all of my friends. I love Gary Allan. I love Zander & Snoozer. I love every one of you that care enough for our family to follow along. I love Butch Walker. I love my neighbor's.
I am so thankful for every one of these people. I didn't think it was quite possible to love them more, but in light of what has happened to our family, I want to make a conscious effort to hold each of them just a bit closer.
I hope you are having a beautiful Valentine's Day. I hope you are celebrating the ones you love!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Weekend Update
* When you hug her or put your arms around her, she puts her hand on you too.
* The "kiss count" is up to 86.
* She is much more aware of her surroundings and while making all of the sounds, she will look wherever they are coming from.
* We were able to stop poking her with a sharp object and putting ice on her because she has been responding consistently.
* We were also able to stop shining a flashlight into her eyes. Her pupils are responding as they should every time.
* She has a toy that makes noise and when I sit it next to her, she stares at it and will move her arm to push the buttons when the music stops.
* On Saturday morning, she kept opening her mouth like she wanted to say something. Dave and I continuously kept saying, "Ahhhh." She tried like crazy to do it too. Finally, she was able to faintly say, "Ahhh." three or four times. That was an exciting day in the Hodder household!
* Her respiration has become greatly improved due to all of the masking we have been doing.
Although at a snail's pace, we are so happy for the improvements that Aviana is making daily. She has steadily been moving in a forward direction and I sure can't complain about that!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
28 Meals
Aviana is doing amazingly well on her new diet. She appears to be feeling great and (knock on wood) has not thrown up since January 25th. Now, that is a world record!
Aviana is our inspiration. Dave and I have seen, first hand, what a great diet can do for you. We ourselves are veering in the direction of a whole foods diet too.
Although, if you happen upon us, and we are stuffing our faces with an In~N~Out animal style grilled cheese, small fry and a strawberry shake, all I have to say is....we're trying!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Just Couldn’t Do It…..
I have said this many times before: since the accident, my mind is not my own. Well then, who’s is it? That depends on the day!
Here’s an example. My dad was in town visiting, he noticed all the furniture moved around. He knew of our plans to put the monstrosity of a floor in the living room.
Dad: You guys can’t put that floor in the living room!
Me: We’re going to have to Dad.
Dad: That thing is not going to look good and it is not going to fit right.
Me: I know, but it has to go there.
Dad: Can’t you put it in your room?
Me: No, it will get in the way.
Dad: Can’t you put it in the third garage?
Me: (As though a light bulb was shining brightly directly on top of my head) Yes, yes, yes, of course it can go in the garage!!! Why didn't we ever think of that.
Me speaking loudly and excitedly at a million miles a minute and my dad and Dave speaking in normal tones and pace: We’ll put the floor in the garage; we’ll put the patterning table in there too. We’ll clean it all up. We’ll give all of Aviana’s toys away (so sad.) We’ll get a heater. We’ll put indoor/outdoor carpet down. We’ll turn it into Aviana’s very own rehab room.
And within 24 hour time frame…..that’s just what we did!
I have to say, I am happy as a hippo!
Thanks Dad, you’re the best!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Confessions of a Brain Injured Child's Mom
Little Something
Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my last post! It was so nice getting to know a little something about you. I read all of your comments as I went through my day Friday. I found myself on both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between. I would be laughing out loud in one moment and then later, heartbroken with another. Thank you so much for sharing your stories, they are what this crazy, beautiful life is all about!

Friday, February 5, 2010
About You
I feel like this is always, me, me, me, and more me.
How about a funny story today, one to break the slew of recent sad ones. Well, now that I think about it, this one's not really funny, but I suppose I can laugh about it now :o)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Who You'd Be Today
Aviana, I love you so much and while my mind will often dip back into the past, I promise you, I will NEVER live....stuck in that moment!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Frozen in Time
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I love music.