Like marbles, thoughts have been rolling around this head of mine, so if you don't mind, I'm going to just let loose...
Are my blog notes getting all smashed up at the bottom? Can you let me know if this is happening? My neighbor and Dave's mom have said something, but I'm wondering if, and when, this is happening to anyone else? Is it usually when I include pictures? Is it when I yap my gap and run too long? I think I may need to start compressing my pictures?
Thank you!
I know it's September, but I've got
Aviana's Elves on the brain! Do you think you want to do it again? I couldn't resist some of the 75% off back to school items at Target, so we already started shopping for some of the care package supplies. The idea came to me so late last year, that this year - I'm hoping to have everything in good order. My mom and I have already started going around to businesses as, what's that saying? Oh yes, early bird gets the worm, right? Dave and I are also getting the therapy room all ready for the supplies too! These Elves are going to be ultra organized this year, as we all know how hard Avi cracked that whip last year!
I am K-cup crazy! Are you? My favorite flavors are Pumpkin Spice, Butter Toffee, Cinnamon Roll (thanks Dixie), and Carmel Vanilla Cream. What are yours?
I am so excited, and I just can't hide it...for Fall that is! My favorite holiday of the year is Halloween and I have the hardest time waiting for October 1st to put up all of my decorations. A couple years ago, I ordered a bunch of new decorations and because I have a patience problem, I put them up in the middle of September...yeah, it ended up being too early : /
I can't figure out what we should all be for Halloween this year. I keep going back and forth with what Avi should be, actually...I had it all figured out, but it got vetoed by everyone! As for Dave and me...I haven't a clue!! We have two parties, so we better figure it out! What are you, and your kids going to be??
My Mom was jonesing for Aviana on Saturday, "can we have her? I need her? Do you and Dave want to go out to dinner? To a movie? Do you want to leave her here? We'll watch her? It's really no problem. Overnight, okay?" She literally said all of this without taking a breath. It was impressive! We went back and forth, and then decided to grace her with the Miki's presence. On our way, Dave and I were talking about what a cheap date I am, all he has to do is take me to Taco Bell, get me a potato taco and 12 packets of hot sauce and then take me to a
different (meaning not our) Costco and I'm happy as a clam. What does that mean? Seriously, I'm going to have to look that up. Anyway, we did something else...we went to a really nice dinner, and then went and saw Trouble with the Curve, because my very favorite movie, the one I want to see 554 times was not playing anymore...and that is
Celeste and Jesse Forever. Thankfully, we thought it was really good.
Every time Aviana gets home from my Mom's house she smells so good. We don't ever want to bathe her that so wrong?
Aviana has a new teacher this year, his name is Ian. He is something else, something exceptional. I went in a few weeks ago, because feeding Avi is no easy feat. I knew some of the staff from last year, but many I didn't. I usually have a tendency toward words, but when it comes to the way I feel about everyone at her school...I am at a complete and total loss. They are that good.
I am missing Sgt. Merenda something deep right now.
There's a new reader here, her name is Julie (hi Julie)! She told me about this blog that has a segment called, 'Special Needs Spotlight' where she shares the stories of other special needs families. Julie read my blog from front to back (my gosh, that must have been a trip!) and thought I should share our story! I thought further, and decided it would be a great idea if I did something like that on here!! I thought it would be so neat to connect with others in that way and share their stories too. I think it is so important to tell how they deal with the struggles of getting through the difficult. So, I am trying to figure out what to call it, as I would like to include not only families with special needs kids, but other families dealing with other sorts of loss and grieving type situations too. If you have any ideas, can you please let me know...I would appreciate it. Thank you Julie, I can't wait to start this!
Our office is tan and brown right now, but because I am in here a lot of the time, we decided to brighten it up a bit and paint it a shade of yellow. I went out yesterday and got about 14 paint swatches. We are also going to send off all the stuff that's on the walls to Dave's office and go get new stuff to decorate it : ) I also saw this recently and wanted to start this project once the room is painted. It amazes me how creative some people are! I can't wait to hang it in the office!!
I look like I'm in high school. My face is all broken out on one side, and worse than ever before. I know I've had a lot of things going on and all at once lately, but sheesh...I've been doing my best to overcome? Do you guys think after using certain face cleansers, toners, and products for years, you build up a tolerance? The dermatologist said no, but I think yes! I also got a Clarasonic about 6 months ago and I swear that thing has wreaked havoc on my skin. They say...keep trying...but for how long??? I called my doctor and he called in a new prescription. It is awful! Ahhhh, to be 17 again ; )
Avi and I have been spending a lot of time laying around together. You know how I said I can't hold her all the time, and that feels bad, well when I walk by her...I see more of her body. When I hold her, I see more of her soul. I, of course, like to be up close and personal with her soul. So we have been laying together, reading books, talking about life, holding hands, listening to music, and just staring into each others eyes (OO)...those are eyes! Yeah, we do a good amount of that. Rainey likes to get in on this time too. She gets really philosophical, that one. She's deep! If I just shut my mouth for a while, and listen to the silence...these two have a lot to say! It's kind of weird hanging out all day with two that don't talk at all, I mean weird in a good way, I've always liked silence, but sometimes I wonder if it's too much, and takes a toll on me? For the most part though, I do enjoy it. My grandma always used to say - everything in moderation, and I guess that is what I need...that's probably what everyone needs, right?
Auntie Amy brought the best book in the entire world over for Avi last week. I can't say what it is until after Christmas, because I plan on buying one for everyone! And by everyone, I don't just mean all the kids, I mean everyone! I wonder if Avi wants to move onto another book? I don't think so, I can always tell if she is tired of a book. Amy bought her a book she didn't like and you should have seen her, it was so funny, she definitely told me she wanted to read her favorite, which is Skelly, The Skeleton Girl. See, I read her Halloween books even in the summer. Oh my you guys have that one for your kids? It is Avi and my absolute favorite!! Before the accident Avi used to go crazy for it, and even now, I can tell she still loves it!!!
Oooohh, maybe I should do a contest and give one away through eGiftem so you can see how it works!!
My soul is in constant need of work, and sometimes I forget that. I was doing so good, for so long, that August came and smacked me upside the head, and left a lasting impression. One that I needed to recover from. I haven't been to counseling in so long. I was in dire need of some work, so I had to scrape myself up off the floor and put in the time, effort and energy. I have been in the process of souping myself up, and I feel so much better. I think that might be for the next post though : )
I love this girl. Have I told you lately? There will be about...a ton more of these, but for now, here is one.
Oh Avi, you're so cool you must wear your shades inside, I understand...