Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mommy, Mama, Mother, Mom

Whatever you want to call it, I ALWAYS wanted to be one. If I am being honest, I have never really been a kid person. I haven't gone through life looking at kids and felt my heart melting at the sight. I have however always wanted so desperately to be a mom. Any of you who know us, do know we had to fight hard to be blessed with our little one.

We went through years of infertility and all it involves. Endless trips to the doctor, at just the right times, drugs, injections, sticks, tests, tubes, viles, you name it. At that time, I felt as though it were the hardest time of my life. Finally, we were faced with the choice of IVF or adoption, we chose adoption. It felt like the natural next step for us, so we proceeded.

Many people think you just simply decide you want to adopt, and then get your baby. For all my adoptive mamas out there, we know that just isn't the case. The adoption process was another rollercoaster I wanted to get off, but pushed through and pushed harder than I had ever in my life.

Once again, I felt as though that HAD to be the hardest time of my life. We are now faced with the absolute most challenging time of our lives. We fought hard to get her, and we will fight harder to keep her.

I'm ready, I've got my boxing gloves on, I'm in the ring, and all I have to say is, "I'm gonna knock you out!!"


  1. I met you at a baby shower for Sarah (your sis in law). When she first told me I wasnt sure which brother and then I suddenly remembered your sweet baby girl that I met at this shower. I feel so blessed to have met her. Please know that my family (extended and close) are all praying and thinking of you and yours. We are sure hoping for the best and it sounds as if things are really progressing in a positive way. Be strong....and I say this having no idea how you are handling yourself as you are. I am the mother of 3 and my WHOLE life revolves around my children. I can only imagine the pain your heart must be feeling. Just know there are a lot of people thinking about you and hoping for the best. It sounds as though she is a tough little girl and that has to mean something!!
    Take care!

  2. Praying for your family! You keep fighting!! Sending you prayers and hugs!
