Ha Ha. I wanted to thank you all so much for going to bat for me. The love and support actually felt tangible. You guys are
the best!
Honestly, that comment didn't get anymore than a quick head tilt, and a chuckle ;o)
OK, so todays topic is:
Cooking for Aviana 101
Let's see just how fast I can make your head spin! Feel free to stop just as soon as you get dizzy, and are about to pass out =)
Here are the rules:
Aviana's food needs to be fresh, and organic. She shouldn't have anything that is frozen or canned.
Her food is measured down to the calorie, carbohydrate, fat gram, etc.
Aviana is not allowed to eat any of the following 9 foods anywhere in the near future:
* Sugar
* Wheat
* Banana
* Tomato
* Corn
* Dairy
* Citrus
* Soy
* Peanuts
We eliminated these foods for an assortment of reasons, but mainly in regard to allergic reactions.
Because of her extensive history of vomiting, she is also to have the following "reflux" foods with caution, and in small amounts:
* Broccoli
* Onions
* Spinach
* Cabbage
* Cauliflower
* Etc.
Aviana has extensive testing through blood, and hair every 6 months. Her liver level was elevated this past time, so we had to add in nutrients that feed the liver until it is within normal range again. These foods are:
* Broccoli
* Cauliflower
* Cabbage
* Dandelion Greens
* Parsley
* Cilantro
* Radishes
* Pears
Do you see what I see? Yes, overlap. So we must be cautious.
In regard to supplements, she has:
* Omega 3 1 X daily
* Probiotic 3 X daily~ in the last bite of her food
* Magnesium 4 X daily~ from lunch time on~divided
* Plant Enzyme 4 X daily~ with main meals
* Multi- Vit 1 X daily~ in water
* Milk Thistle 1 X daily~ anytime
I won't even go into the anti-stress program, which is for if she is traveling, or showing the beginning signs of getting sick.
Her meals are each to be made up of:
* One leafy green
* One green vegetable (not to be confused with leafy green)
* One protein
* One colored vegetable (not green)
* One grain (not wheat)
* One fruit
Now, if you're still with me...
.here's where the fun begins. With her new program, also known as,
The Food Rotation Program, we are never to repeat the same food more often than every four days. What?? Yes!! We keep a daily food journal to track food intolerances.
My partner in crime, Sophie said it best, "Around here it's day 6 of the rotation diet, but feels more like 1006." I felt the exact same, and was about to lose my marbles cooking
every single day. I would like to interrupt our regularly scheduled program to show you what cooking everyday looked like:
Here's were the magic begins.
My head was about to spin off after a week of this nonsense. It's amazing how fast your mind can find a a way to cheat, and still maintain the rotation diet.
My Dad is a huge advocate of the Food Saver, and tried desperately to get me into one for years. We finally realized the benefits with Aviana's special diet. We decided to make up 4 individual menus, and then make one right after the other. We put them into their respective glass jars, complete with dry erase date atop.
We can also keep all of the extra food fresh for so much longer!!
Did the extraordinary Food Saver company have any idea just how much they would simplify my life? I don't think so!
Food Saver, you save me!
Yeah!!!! We can now cook
every 4 days instead of
everyday!! This means we only destroy the kitchen
every four days, instead of
every one day!
And, why might you ask did I feel so compelled to designate my longest post ever to this topic??
I don't know!
No really, this has been my biggest nemesis since we got back, and I am overjoyed to have found a way around it.
This diet is insane, but it has been Aviana's saving grace. My poor little sweetie was so sick, and overweight before this miracle diet. This diet transformed her into her beautiful, glowing self!
Rest in Peace
PB & J
August 16, 2008 ~ June 17, 2009