I wanted to share what our friend Sarah wrote on her blog. Sarah, Peter and Lily have become some of our newest and most wonderful friends.
If you asked my daughter how to describe this little person seated next to her on this here swing she would without a doubt say, "Aviana my be-est friend." There is always this sing songy way she says best. Whenever we go to someones house or to a park Lily asks if Aviana is going to be there. Aviana is truly my girls first friend.
I have grandiose plans of sleepovers, and smores, and giggles about boys when I see these two play together. They are two peas in a pod. Aviana is the perfect amount of daredevil to make my girl do things her timid personality wouldn't normally do. (MY FAVORITE SENTENCE- this is me typing this) Like go down a slide or sit her butt on a big girl swing. This family is my dream come true, really we get along fabulously with Jen and Dave and our daughters are not only from the same country of birth but they also play so very well together.
I asked Jen before doing this post because the last thing I would want to do is to add to her pain. Aviana and her Papa were struck by a car this past week and Lily's sweet friend is fighting for her life. There has not been a minute of the day since I found out about this tragic event that I have not been thinking of my friends. So in posting this I just ask for your prayers for Aviana and her family."
From Sarah- June 21
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