I wanted to thank you so very much for surrounding our little family in love and protection after my last post! We are so appreciative of every single bit of everything that poured in from every avenue after what I wrote. I will never be able to tell you how much you all mean us! As far as the comments, I hope you saw my replies, as I am fairly new to leaving them on here : )
Shortly after my last post, we had to kick it into high gear as we were leaving for a trip to Telluride. This is a place that has been sitting on my Vision Board since 2008, so I was really excited about being in the mountain, fresh air! Last year, we flew to Idaho to visit our friends and then drove to McCallough and Sun Valley. This year, our same friends were going to meet us there.
Our family and friends are the BEST of the BEST! They have a front row seat at this movie called, "Our Life," so they know first hand how crucially important it is for us to get away together as a couple. To be young. To have fun. To breathe. To just be...him and me. To escape from it all, if only for a little while.
But, it requires a bit of careful planning in order to leave Aviana and Rainey. Think 3 Ring Circus style, but without the cruelty and contortion. Many moving parts, multiple houses, and house keys, various people, different acts, juggling this and that, and from here to there, garage door openers, in and out of the car, 2 additional trained feeders, transferring here and there, at this time and that. What? That one where? There. Yeah! Phew! Got it. Good. Woo Hoo!!
I referred to Aviana as the Hot Little Mamacita Potato. It created an excitement in her world, and I'm sure she loved every minute of it. After all, that's what she thrives on and in
: )
: )
I do not use the term lightly or loosely when I say 'it takes a village'. I thought I was overcome with gratitude when I left, but after I got back, and finally all had slowed and everything was said and done - I was plowed over.
Our family and friends, they pulled it all off without a hitch. Never one call, never a peep....the whole trip. The only time we heard from them was when a sweet little picture of one of our girls would dance across one of our phones : )
They selflessly and lovingly came together for the common good of 3 nights and 4 days for the 2 of us.
From the bottom of our hearts, we love and thank you -
Mom, Gary, Roger, Rella, Warren, Anna, Ami, Oski, Dinah, Sean, Amy, Tracy, Cooper
Here are just a few pictures for now of what you made possible : )
Hey Hodder ~
I have a question....
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Just wondering.