Friday, May 20, 2011

Simply Leave a Comment

A more than generous family had a child who was very sick last year, and now is turning 4 years old on Saturday. For every birthday wish they receive for their son, Kevin, they will donate $3 toward a life-saving surgery for a little orphan in China named Roy.  

Let's help generate funds to help this sweet little boy! It will take less than one minute!! 

Thank you!


Sweet Baby Roy

Here is a little bit about him

"Roy was born December 20, 2010 and abandoned one week later. When the police were unable to find his parents they brought him to the local orphanage. Roy was born with heart disease (ASD) and a deformed left ear. When he arrived at New Day Foster Home, on April 12, 2011, he was very tiny and weak. Though Roy does not have a lot of strength, he is alert and follows people’s motions with his eyes. He is gentle and has a good temperament. Roy has a strong grasp and holds tightly to adult’s fingers. He sleeps and eats well. We are blessed to care for this sweet little boy and look forward to watching him grow strong and happy."

Roy has been battling pneumonia this past month and has been in the PICU. We know how dangerous this illness is for a child with a heart condition. Please pray for his healing. Roy desperately needs this surgery to thrive. And one day, Lord-willing, he will be able to meet his forever family and live an abundant, full life! Think how HUGE that is! And YOU can help make it happen, just by leaving a birthday comment for our Kevin! I know I don't have a plethora of followers, and I sure do love each and every one of you! Please tell your friends, your family, your mailman! Let's celebrate LIFE!

(This birthday party ends Saturday night, May 21st at midnight central time)

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