Saturday, October 16, 2010

Over the Moon

I wanted to start by saying.....

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

You all mean the world to me! I was at one of my darkest hours, and you came to my rescue! I honestly hung on your every word. I internalized all that you said, and want to thank you so very much for sharing all of your stories and experiences!  Forever grateful is what I will be :o)

I think all of our prayers were heard, because at 7:30pm last night, Kama started to eat again. Her eating was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen.

She started off with lettuce, and then spun off into chicken, steak, eggs, and much , much more. She didn't eat a ton, but any was good enough for me. After weeks of not eating, I wasn't surprised by her nibbling here and there.

Today, she ate half a waffle, an apple, tons of lunch meat, carrots, potatoes, cheese, yogurt, more lettuce, her treats, and more.

We were offering her some food about every 1-2 hours.  She would stop when she had had enough.

I told Dave I don't mind being her short order chef for eternity.

Her spirits seem to be up, and I couldn't be happier.

I have no idea what the next round of Chemo will bring, but for now, I am just going to enjoy every moment of what we experiencing.

See this smile on my face? YOU and KAMA put it there.

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!


  1. Oh thank goodness. Your post just made me smile right out loud. Love and hugs to all of you. :~)


    SUCH GOOD NEWS!!!! :)

    kama will not leave you until you are ready (even tho' at the time you might not think you are!)

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. I am so glad to hear it! What a relief, live in this moment!

    By the way, you look so BEAUTIFUL in the pictures.

  4. Happy to hear Kama is feeling better! You two are so beautiful together!



  5. That is wonderful news!! Hope Kama continues to heal!!!

  6. I'll admit to being a baby lover more than an animal lover. I know you can be both, but I've been a lover of babies all my life. However, that is the happiest post and I'll be smiling for you and with you for a long time.

