Monday, November 15, 2010

Amish Country

This was the portion of the trip I was looking forward to most.....unfortunately, I was carsick almost the entire day ;o( For that reason, I have very few pictures. Every time I looked up from my backseat refuge, a wave of sickness would quickly arrive.

I learned my lesson, and drove what we affectionately called, "Aviana's Entourage Mobile" for most of the remainder of the trip.

Sadly, there were so many sights that I missed out on.

As a side Mom, Gary, Roger (who secretly decided for Rella too), Dave and I made an "Operation: Move to Pennsylvania Pact."

Once the humidity factor was brought up, Dave and I had to jump ship ;o)

I wanted to uproot and move right on into this one!

You may have noticed, I didn't even catch one picture of a horse and buggy! Those were quite a sight to see, and made the whole trip worthwhile ;o)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love love love AMISH COUNTRY!!!!!

    had the best time when we visited there......

    ....yea i'd think twice about the summer humidity AND the winter COLD....being the mild weathered CALI girls that we are...spring & fall are great times in PA tho!!

  3. Great pictures! Sorry you were carsick though.
