Friday, December 11, 2009


To want and to try is the difference why
Some people will walk and some run.

~ Butch Walker


  1. Hi Jen,
    Does Glenn still do some of the lectures with his flashcards? Also, do you guys live in Sac? If so, do you want our crawling track? We also have some laminated checkerboard posters to put in her room. We are done with both and would be happy to get them to you.
    email me

  2. Hey Jen and Dave, So happy you are all home safely. So happy that you found it well worth it!!! Loved what you've shared so far can't wait to hear more. Miraculous that your camera is being returned and glad lamby is in the mail. Hope to see all three of you soon.

  3. Love this quote, I know this sums up me and I sure hope it does Aviana and Camryn too :)
