A number of weeks ago, a person named Julie commented that she had found our blog and really thought I should consider sharing our story on another blog. So I wandered over to This Little Miggy Stayed Home and looked around to see if this was something I would want to do.
I have to say, it didn't take too long to fall for this family, especially their little one named Lamp. If you're in the mood for some inspiration, their story is full of it, so you might want to click on over their way.
I didn't fall just for this family though, I really admired Miggy for possessing one of the characteristics I look for most in the sharing of her story, and that is a genuine authenticity. If you are a reader of blogs, you know what I mean. When you finally stumble upon it, you know. It's something you can actually feel.
I felt blessed to be a part of Miggy's Special Needs Spotlight. If you would like to see our story, you can find it here....
Thank you Julie for telling me about it, and thank you Miggy for the opportunity!
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