Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Goods

We've been having a lot of fun in the apron department. You may remember Dave's sister Dinah picked Aviana an apron up in London. And now, I picked one out in Idaho. Our friends Freddy and Amy also bought her two on our trip. Thank you guys. She looks adorable in them!

The Footless Wonder

Our Idaho friend Amy knew I had one of these cupcake aprons and snuck to the cash register with a matching one for Aviana. So sweet!

This is how she helps me/us bake in the kitchen ; )

We pledge allegiance, to the PIE, of Two Girls and a Guy PIE, and to the re-PIE-blic, for which it stands, one PIE, under PIE, indivisible by PIE, with PIE, and PIE for ALL!

Let the games begin!!


That's called fancy footwork. Hee. Hee!

Oops...we forgot the main ingredient again!


Food fight!

Decisions, Decisions 


  1. Oh..geeez....I'm working on a plan and I can see I'm behind the 8 ball.....way behind! Those are cute....but just wait!

  2. ... The 'Food Fight' looks more like a 'High Pie' ...
    Have loved you and your Blog from Day One.
    Beverly (aka Brenda's friend)

  3. I pledge to the pie primadonnas!!! I have loved every post on pie and all the other in the last few months, but as I said, Blogger didn't like me. If I leave rum on your doorstep, will you do a pie drop?? :) Miss You!!

  4. You guys are crazy and fun! My kind of people! I love the pictures and the many aprons. I saw the cutest aprons when I was shopping and thought of you. Seriously, your pies look SO amazing!

  5. You guys are too cute! Love the aprons. You know, I have NEVER owned an apron! You make me want to go out and buy one! You also make me want to start baking pies....
