Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Ever since Aviana came along, my Mom and Gary have always been there for us, to watch her, to take her, to let us do whatever we needed, and whenever. 

After the accident, Aviana's care became much more complex. During this period of time, it was pretty overwhelming for them to care for her, but at times, they did their best to anyway. For example, we weren't able to take her the first week we went to The Institute in Pennsylvania. Aviana had only been home from the hospital 3 months, so that must have been crazy for them!

Over time though, they grew more comfortable, and things fell back into sync. Aviana also grew more stable, and with that, we had the great pleasure of saying goodbye to all of her medical equipment.

This life is hard, but I know if we didn't have my Mom and Gary to help us, it would be a million times harder! They provide us breaks, and breathers anytime we need. And even when we don't need them, we always know they are just a phone call away. That alone is a comfort in itself.

They know how crucially and vitally important it is for us to get out alone together. They always want us to have fun, but most importantly, they want us to get some much needed separation from the magnitude of the difficult parts of what is.

Thank you both.

We love you!


  1. Hi you all,
    I need to learn from both of you so I can fully live again!! You two are great examples of a great marriage that can get through anything in life. Enjoy and thanks to ur mom and Gary!! I am glad to hear Gary is doing well :)

    Nicole from Rosemead, ca

  2. Your shoes are awesome!

  3. i've been gone much to catch up on. much to comment upon.

    Gary - is doing better? sending prayers and pvs his way
    Parasailing --- so fun looking - need to work up some courage for this ...#1 on my new bucket list
    s'mores - i'm not so good at the patience thing -- often i end up with a raw s'more :(
    pear pie -- yum yum yum .....the crumb topping looked THE BEST of all
    i think 2 girls & a guy PLUS another guy pie works.....and his first pie looked DELISH!!!
    speaking of delish....those cupckes were scrumptious looking

    i know there were so many other things i wanted to make comments on. but now i can't remember

  4. That's such a great picture! Brenda and Gary are keepers!

  5. I have just found your site and it has taken me a week to read it from the start and I have fallen in love with your family!

    Can't wait for new pictures and to hear how school is going for Aviana. Hope that you have had a great weekend!

    Julie from Texas
