Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 This email just arrived in my inbox. Knowing the secret I've been keeping, it made me smile the biggest smile humanly possible. They don't even know that coming this Friday, we have something so amazing in store for them!! I look at those faces, and I'm happy to say, we're not done yet kiddies! The donations have still been rolling in all morning long. We are going out shopping tonight and we'll happily continue to all the way through : )

To all who have made this possible...we thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Help homeless children have Christmas. We need new unwrapped toys for children ages infant-15.View this email in your browser

Help Homeless Children Have Christmas

Mustard Seed School Christmas Giveaway

Mustard Seed School invites you to join them in bringing gifts to homeless children. You too can bring the joy of Christmas to our smallest guests. The children who receive these gifts are either currently enrolled in the Mustard Seed School or their families obtain services from one of our other programs at Loaves & Fishes.
Mother With Children
We need new unwrapped toys for children ages infant-15. 

We will be giving the toys along with wrapping supplies to our families on December 19, 20, and 21st.
We also need wrapping paper and scotch tape.
Bring toys to our warehouse at 1351 North C Street, Sacramento.
December 10th-17th 
7am to 3pm
or call 916-447-3626.
Peace & Love
Loaves & Fishes