Thursday, December 6, 2012

Love Nest

Our Hodder Camp Family Room was fast becoming a thing. It was getting pretty uncomfortable to lie on the floor, so I grabbed six couch cushions one night and lined them all up. Well, that was a pain when we went to put them all back. I know, I know, cue whiney music now.

I was at Costco later that weekend and while I was (down an aisle I'm never down) looking for those long stick looking lighters, I happened upon a blow up bed, and guess what! it was $30 dollars off! I thought, "what a deal for something we really don't need!

In light of our new digs, I have officially and appropriately changed the name to - 
The Hodder Family Love Nest

Rainey is so sweet, and waits to be invited to many things. She was unsure of this and for the first few times definitely needed a welcoming committee : ) We finally got her to jump up, but getting her comfortable enough to lie down, well that was another story.

It's okay baby!

See, you're okay.

She looks like she's thinking, hmmm....

Well...yeah, this is good!!!

Look Mama, I can do it. All by myself!

Um, you switched it up on me guys. 

It's okay baby, you can go up...just like you did before. Same bed, just under a tree and lights now : )

It took forever! I have about 20 pictures of her with her head resting on the bed and me trying to get her to jump.

Okay, but I have to smell it...

And taste it.

Okay, I give it the Rainey stamp of approval. 

Bring in the family.

By the way, we are guilty of sleeping out here a few times. We don't just like....we 


* * *

** When you live in a house with a Meek Feek and pup that both don't talk, and then add in a hub that is at work all week it just don't mean for it to, but it just does. You tend to speak for the unspeaking. I's annoying, and worst of all, it's probably not what they are thinking, at all!! **


  1. Interesting, my husband always "speaks" for our nonverbal son too

  2. So now you're one of those co-sleeping families with the family bed? Move over Mayim! Love it!

    I also love your mantle. It's looking very Christmasy at Camp Hodder.


  3. Haha!!! "what a deal for something we don't need"!!!! As we were moving into our house mom, Trina and Norm found so much shit in our huge closet in our apartment. Trina and I would get manic sometimes and shop, shop, shop. They moved it all into the garage and then whenever Trina would have a wedding to go to, or Christmas presents or a birthday she would go "shopping" in our garage. She found some pretty cool things that I didn't know I had bought and they all had the orange clearance price tags! So I'm am ALL FOR buying something you don't need at a steal. Oh, and we have two of those blow up beds too, a single and a queen. Yes, they are in the garage and we've used them each once in the 6-8 years that we've had them.

  4. Comfy! I say that mattress what something that WAS needed. Anything that brings you together and helps you share the love is needed in my book. :)

  5. Comfy! I say that mattress what something that WAS needed. Anything that brings you together and helps you share the love is needed in my book. :)

  6. Oh I bet Avi loves to sleep under the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. Rainey's "what in the world?" pictures are priceless. That's a nice airbed. One night when ya'll sleep out there you could pretend you're camping and do smores in the oven. Line a baking pan with foil. Snap a graham cracker in half, top with a square of chocolate, and a marshmallow. Bake at 400 for 2 minutes. Pull them out then put top graham cracker on and mush down.
