Thursday, September 20, 2012

Her Very Own Busy Bee

When we are out and about on any sort of adventure, we tend to stop at every dog shop we see along the way. On our most recent trip, we stopped at a store named George and got Rainey a new outfit (collar) and also, just had to have this Busy Bee. He reminded us of one of our very favorite scenes, from one of our very favorite movies.


If you are a dog lover, I'm sure you've seen Best in Show!

And, if so...then how can you forget this!  

Awww, so these two had sure seen better days, and didn't always want to kill each other...

Anyway, back to the Busy Bee..

You mean...he's for me!

❤ ❤ ❤ 

numb, numb, numb


Ahhhhh....a nice stretch, 

I better save some bee for tomorrow.



  1. Oh, Jen, too funny! The minute I saw the bee I knew what you were going to say. I still laugh about that scene. Rainy is certainly a typical Lab, tears every darn stuffed toy to bits. Son's Chocolate does the exact same thing to our poodle's toys. Our Maci may have to have one of those bees!!!!!

    Glad to see Avianna going to school. Such a big positive step for both of you.


  2. Rainey is such a doll :)

  3. How cute!!! I know how much you love bees!

  4. They need knew toys every once in a while just like we do. Spoil 'em!
