Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Aviana's Elves

I had the perfect plan all lined up for Aviana's Elves this year. We were all on a secret mission. It was already fun, exciting, exhilarating, and just about to be announced! Then…everything changed.

Aviana's path became clear. I realized our initial plan needed to go on the back burner until next year. All of our energy and attention was going to be needed in one very important direction and for an uncertain amount of time. I immediately came up with a back up plan in case our girl took flight. I thought it would be just as good, but in a different way.

Family and friends had been inquiring, so I included the idea earlier in lieu of flowers for Aviana's memorial. If you happen to want to join in this holiday season and in the name of Aviana, we would be honored.

Aviana meant something to each of us and for a unique and personal reason. This holiday season - if you would like to make a donation to anything that reminds you of her, perform random acts of kindness, or spread the happiness and love of a little girl who meant everything to us, we would be humbled.  

If you happen to want to share with me, I would so love that too. I will be including them throughout the season.

Thank you so very much for always supporting us, but especially loving Aviana!

Missing Aviana...


My friend Sarah, whose daughter Lily was Aviana's best friend, started a campaign called, "Acts for Avi." To say I cried my eyes out seeing all she has done is an understatement. I love you Sarah…you have my whole heart!

Here are a few I received in October...

Today, in honor of Aviana, I smiled all day purposefully to make others smile back. You never know what others are going through and knew that if Aviana were able to smile, as he would most certainly try to make those around her smile too.

~ Sarah

Today, I publicly forgave the child who wrote racial slurs on the outside of my front door. He vandalized our house, because my children are adopted from Guatemala, and we are a multi-racial family. So I am dedicating an act of forgiveness to Aviana.

~ Uncommonmama

Thank you so much Sarah and Uncommonmama, these are what keep us going. Knowing Aviana has made a difference in the lives of others…thank you.

❤ ❤ ❤


  1. Hi Jen - I'd been wondering what you were thinking about for this year's Aviana's Elves. I will definitely figure something out to contribute to her legacy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you ❤

  2. I've done three things, so far. I made a donation to UC Davis Medical Center (PICU) in Avi's memory. In her honor, I made a donation to a family in San Ramon who just lost their mother to cancer. The dad is a middle school teacher and they have adopted four children (ages 3,4,5,5) from Ethiopia. Their last name is Loving, isn't that appropriate? I also made a donation to a group serving homeless and needy people in Solvang, Ca, which is where I lived during elementary school. I'm hoping other opportunities pop up soon. Avi spread love. I hope we can keep her light shining.

    1. Wow Dixie! I had no idea! Thank you so much!! Amazing. My heart is full. I am so happy to know you…for a million different reasons.

  3. Sharing two more #actsforavi this holiday season:
    1. Anonymously paid a utility bill for a struggling single mama whose power had been shut off.
    2. Dropped a grocery gift card off in another single father's mailbox so that he could buy much needed food for his 4 children.

    Tonight... my little Bug and I are going shopping for a few things that we hope to pass out at various times over the next week. All in honor of your precious Angel Aviana. Praying for you!

    1. You have the most beautiful soul Sarah. I can never thank you enough for remembering Aviana. Honestly…
